Data & Marketing Solutions

Alkami + Snowflake: Your key to cleansed, secure transaction data, fast

Transaction data is a rich source of information about account holders. But unless it is cleansed and categorized, it’s unusable for analysis. Get all the benefits of secure, cleansed transaction data without the headache of doing it yourself. Sign up for a Transaction Data Cleansing analysis now.

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Contextualized Data At Scale

Understand your account holders’ transaction data in near real-time. Alkami transforms complex transaction descriptions into simple merchant names, merchant categorizations, and logos to normalize and contextualize the data. 

Secure and Human-Verified

Our library science methodology blends human and machine capabilities to provide the fastest and most accurate data enhancement available.

Insights for Business Strategy

Transform your go-to-market motions. By understanding your account holders’ transaction data, you can better inform overall business strategies and revenue goals at your FI.

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