Level up your financial wellness strategy with Alkami and SavvyMoney

As consumers navigate the ever-changing economic landscape, they turn to you for the guidance and support they need. It’s no longer enough to simply offer in-branch financial coaching. Today’s account holders expect personalized, digital experiences that help them maximize their long-term financial health. 

Through Alkami’s partnership with SavvyMoney, we empower FIs with the tools you need to support digital banking users on their financial wellness journey. Gone are the days of consumers leaving your FI for a third-party app, we bring it all under one roof. 

Now, you can offer your users a one-stop shop for unlimited access to their credit report, real-time credit monitoring, actionable financial advice, financial literacy, as well as targeted pre-qualified and pre-approved offers – maximizing campaign results for your marketing team.

Interested in learning more?
See SavvyMoney’s solution in action and walk through a return on investment scenario with your Client Sales Executive.
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SavvyMoney | CU SoCal Case Study
Level Up Your Account Holders’ Financial Wellness with SavvyMoney