Achieve Revenue Goals with Digital Banking

Traditionally, online banking has been viewed as a service channel, but it holds so much more potential for your institution. By cleansing and contextualizing member data, you can understand their financial behaviors and deliver personalized engagements and offers – driving conversions and product adoption. According to PwC, FIs can generate a 70% return on initiatives by targeting existing members versus a 10% return trying to acquire new members.

Credit unions that partner with Alkami are setting the pace of innovation. According to Alkami* primary research, consumers leveraging the Alkami Platform are more satisfied with their digital banking experience and functionality than account holders at megabanks and other regional and community financial institutions.

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Transforming what was once a cost center into a revenue engine.
2024 Digital Banking Performance Report
Ideal Credit Union: Powering Profitability with Data-Driven Marketing Campaigns
Connexus CU: Driving Member Relationships, Retention and ROI with Digital Banking
*Source: Alkami Primary Research February 2023 (a survey comprised of 809 Alkami customers, mega bank customers, neobank customers, and other regional and community financial institutions).